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Anna Orbison Yoga

Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and to endure what cannot be cured.        
- BKS Iyengar

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...and celebrate every single thing that makes you exactly who you are; all of your brilliance, your passion, your pain, your inspiration, your love, your injuries, your successes, your setbacks, your amazement, your talent, your perceived failures, and your gifts.  Let's come to our mats as the incredible beings that we are and simply practice.  

I am so honored to have been voted one of the best yoga teachers in Los Angeles by Classpass.  There are wonderful teachers on the list, and I'm thrilled to be in their company. Come practice with me at one of the four studios I currently teach at. My full schedule is here


Live Stream CLASSES

I'm still teaching live-stream classes via Zoom. These classes are all donation-based with a suggested donation of $10, and you can send your donation via Venmo at @anna-hanson-1. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. My schedule is as follows:

Tuesday: Flow Yoga at 9:30am

                 Password: yoga

Sunday: Flow Yoga at 9am

                Password: yoga
If you'd like to join in, click on the class title a few minutes before class and enter the password. You will need a Zoom login before you start, so if you don't have one simply create one before you want to take class.


I'm heading to Eastern Utah next for an amazing 8 days of yoga, hiking, adventure, and community. Join me!

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